Sitemap - 2021 - Social Lives

Social Lives 116 | 2021, eh?

Social Lives 115 | Lush Life

Social Lives 114 | Big Bad Clients

Social Lives 113 | Into the Metaverse

Social Lives 112 | What's in a name?

Social Lives 111 | Trickle Down Bro-enomics

Social Lives 110 | Parting is such sweet sorrow

Social Lives 109 | Digital Marketing runs on free labour

Social Lives 108 | The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known

Social Lives 107 | Office Space

Social Lives 106 | Communities, Managed

Social Lives 105 | Give me a break

Social Lives 104 | Master of None

Social Lives #103 | Going to tell my Grandkids I have an MA in Sh*tposting

Social Lives 102 | What was your thought process behind that?

Social Lives 101 | Social Media is a Cesspit

Social Lives #100 | Can you believe I've written 100 of these things?

Social Lives #99 | Old Enough to Know Better?

Social Lives #98 | Buck Up, Buttercup

Social Lives #97 | "What are you going to do next?"

Social Lives #96 | "Are you free for a quick chat?"

Social Lives #95 | The Art of Saying No

Social Lives #94 | Lucky Thirteen

Social Lives #93 | How Secure is "Secure"?

Social Lives #92 | Yakety Yak - the rise of audio on social

Social Lives #91 | I-ARRGGHHH-35

Social Lives #90 | Delete Delete Delete

Social Lives #89 | On the Internet, nobody knows you're a Dog

Social Lives #88 | I don't want an edit button, I just want revenge

Social Lives #87 | Brand on Brand Banter // Jobs from Warm Street and Cultural Communications // Down with Deadines! // Dinky

Social Lives #86 | Milkshake Turducken // Jobs from GoDaddy and Yrs Truly // The Economy of Emojis // Betty

Social Lives #85 | Everybody Makes Mistakes // Jobs from Liverpool FC and Golin // The TikTok war between millennials and Gen Z // Milo

Social Lives #84 | Cheap, Fast or Good? // Jobs from TransferGo and BVRGER // The Flatmate from Hell // The Void Boys update

Social Lives #83 | Influencers Behaving Badly // Jobs from Oliver Agency and Mavis // The History of Gunge // Pickles

Social Lives #82 | Don't Overthink It // Jobs from BBC Sport, Birdsong and LadBible // What now for Trump's Reply Guys? // Fauno

Social Lives #81 | On Burnout // Jobs from Magic Cat publishing and Tilly & The Buttons // Old Goths // Leonard

Social Lives #80 | Happy New Year? // Jobs from Brown's Fashion and Not On The High Street // 48 books for 2021 // Eartha & Hobbes